von Patricia Stoeckli | Feb. 7, 2021 | Cleanup, Donations, Project Indonesia, Projects
We’ve done it! With the donations of many of you! The third clean up has been successfully accomplished on Siladen island! We are very thankful to all supporters. Together we make a difference for the environment and the local people! We couldn’t do it without:...
von Patricia Stoeckli | Jan. 26, 2021 | Cleanup, Donations, Project Indonesia, Project Indonesia, Projects, Uncategorized
Thanks to our partner Ocean Hero* and many donators for your financial support! The full amount is used for these clean ups! More clean ups need to be done as there are more storms are expected and due to the floods in Manado too much plastic has been washed into the...
von Johann Blanc | Dez. 11, 2020 | Cleanup, Project Indonesia, Project Indonesia, Projects, Uncategorized
We are very proud and happy to announce OCEAN HERO as our new partner. Ocean Hero will finance us a Precious Plastic machine, to start the first PLASTIC RECYCLING activities in Manado at small scale. With the recycled plastic, our partners in Manado will create...
von Johann Blanc | Sep. 19, 2020 | Cleanup, Projects
This year 2020 our NGO, thanks to their motivated and engaged volunteers, was present around the world on different cleanups for the World Cleanup Day organized internationally by https://www.worldcleanupday.org/. We are very proud and happy that distances and...
von Patricia Stoeckli | Aug. 15, 2020 | Cleanup, Projects
From left: Daniel (Vice President Abfalltaucher), Bruno (Member Abfalltaucher), Markus and Irma (TWS Core Team), Sonja (TWS Volunteer), Barbara (Board Member Abfalltaucher), Patricia (TWS Core Team), Matthias (President Abfalltaucher) On 15 August 2020, Matthias...
von Johann Blanc | Feb. 10, 2020 | Donations, Projects
We are very glad to had the chance to be at the FESPO Festival this year in Zürich. We met a lot of interesting people and also important stakeholders from the Diving Tourism sector in Indonesia. We wanted to thank you all, beacause during the FESPO and the days after...
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