Unfortunately the work of Beach Clean Ups never ends and it will sadly not for a long time. Not only we ask ourselves how we can make a difference anyway, also local people like Teddy Bukunusa are very engaged. Since Teddy is our coordinator on the island of Siladen, he asked us if this time he could organize this Beach Clean Up together with his youth group that he is supervising on the island for many activities and use it for educational purpose.
They are the future and Teddy want them to learn more about the environment and how to save it. He shows the teenagers why it is important to collect and sort trash instead of having it ending up in the forest or the ocean. He also wants to inspire youth on other islands to do the same.
In return the teenagers got reusable bottles and dishes (reducing single use plastic) and will be able to do more local activities for their education and also having some celebrations.No question that we support this kind of great activities!
This Beach Clean Up is being kindly supported by our partners:
OceanHero – check out their internet browser!
Siladen Resort & Spa – book your next holidays there!
Celebes Divers – Onong Resort & Kuda Laut Boutique Dive Resort – explore the beautiful Siladen with them!
Blue Oceans – spreading awareness to save the ocean!
Baciraro Recycle – Recycling Center
The trash is being sorted and brought to Manado where waste banks like Baciraro Recycle are taking care of it. This way we can reduce the trash that still ends up on a landfill to a minimum.
We are very thankful and highly appreciate the efforts from all mentioned above

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