building up network and know-hoW
Feasibility study in Indonesia
In this first phase of the project, the aim is to achieve three main objectives locally between January and April 2020:
1.a study of the actual situation on the ground and the investigation of the technical and economic feasibility of the different options to treat waste (with a focus on plastics) in a sustainable way as soon as possible.
2. organise "clean-ups" together with the local population and tourism enterprises.
3. build a strong network with all local stakeholders.
August 2020. document Download.
Business plan for the pilot recycling plant in Manado under the Siladen Zero Waste Island project. Points to be achieved:
- Waste classification At source
- Transport and Collection of waste
- recycling point
- production and Sale of recycled HDPEmaterials
- All other collected materials are recycled with other partners in Jakarta or other locations in Indonesia
Project Siladen Zero Waste Go-Live in Indonesia
Funding AND IMPLEMENTATION of the pilot project
- The financial support from our partner "OceanHero" enabled the purchase and installation of the first plastic recycling plant (pilot plant) in Manado.
- Professional photos and videos
- Social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
- Newsletter
- A total of 5 clean-ups
- Together with the support of many donors, sponsors, local partners and the residents of Siladen Island, we were able to remove more than 3 tonnes of plastic and other waste* from nature and put it through the recycling process (upcycling).
*250 rice bags 50L = 12-15kg average dry weight = 3-4 tonnes of waste.
Educational material for children
- Educational material for children: Several modules for educational days on environmental awareness and waste problems and their prevention.
Pilot Plastic Recycling Plant - First Brick
- Pilot Plant: After months of work together with Ocean Hero and our partner Marlon Kamagi in Manado, we were finally able to get our shredder and extruder to produce the first plastic bricks recovered from the sea (Siladen Island).
- Technical study: Our volunteer Marina Seger helped us with her master thesis "Plastic Upcycling. A holiystic study of a sustainable plastic Brick" to help us understand the mechanical and physical properties of the plastic brick.
First "Re-House" - Plastic Bricks
Concept Expansion Siladen Zero Waste Island
Extension to other regions